TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
Barbara Vickery no official affiliation, citizen, member of NRCM, Maine Audubon, TNC, etc. Richmond Maine
I travel from mid-coast Maine to Bangor and Boston regularly, and occasionally to New York City to visit family. I usually travel by Concord Trailways. I do not own an electric car because there...
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ann vanneman supporter shrewsbury Vermont
Dear Governor Scott,

Please have VT join the Transportation and Climate Initiative. From what I read, we have more to gain by joining than not joining, especially since we will be...
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Steven Wisbaum Owner Charlotte Vermont
Vermont should absolutely join TCI to help address the global climate emergency. The small additional cost of fossil fuel resulting from joining TCI will likely be a fraction of what Vermonters...
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Carol Langstaff concerned citizen of Vermont Sharon Vermont
Please go along with this very important opportunity: “…design a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation...
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Susan Smiley Householder NEW HAVEN Vermont
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ACORN CandidatesForum.doc
Michael Philipp Independent Dorset Vermont
Governor Scott - Please pass the TCI legislation and all other renewable energy, EV transportation and sustainable agriculture bills that come before you. Climate Change is real and Vermont is...
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Diane Foulds Windsor Energy Committee Windsor Vermont
If Vermont actually joins the TCI, we'll get more revenue for needed and worthwhile investments than if Vermonters simply contribute to the program. Let's link arms with our neighbors,...
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Jeremy Seeger Self employed Rochester Vermont
It is imperative that we join this both for climate reasons and financial reasons.


Jeremy Seeger
Ben Freeman Vermont citizen and active voter Landgrove Vermont
I am in support of the TCI and urge my elected officials, particularly Governor Scott, to vote in favor of Vermont's participation.
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John Emerson Voter in Addison County Middlebury Vermont
I urge Vermont and Governor Scott to join TCI now. It makes no sense NOT to join it!

John Emerson
Jack Clay Vermont resident Middletown Springs Vermont
The governor’s appointees from the Public Service Department, the Agency of Transportation and the Agency of Natural Resources have been holding public meetings across the state to introduce the...
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Janice SolekTefft VPIRG supporter Underhill Vermont
Please sign on to join the TCI so Vermont will benefit.

Thank you!0
Scott Garren Resident Cuttingsville Vermont
Please, Governor Scott. Join the TCI. Good for the environment and good for the economy!
Ed Piper Concerned Citizen Norwich Vermont
Waste has never needed a convincing rational. Thrift was a natural virtue in my family’s post depression culture. Scarcity certainly can remind us of the value of essentials once taken for granted...
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Karen-Jo Young NRCM Corea Maine
Maine needs to invest in affordable, clean energy solutions in order to reduce pollution, reduce greenhouse gases, and to improve the quality of life for us and for future generations. Please...
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Jim Bowers Penn state State college Pennsylvania
Oil lobbyists (such as Gregory Wrightstone) are actively encouraging science deniers to post negative input to this. Don’t be swayed by the oil dollars lobbying against this. Climate science is...
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John McClaughry Ethan Allen Institute Concord Vermont
Here are twelve questions and answers that will explain what TCI is and expects to do.

Q: What is TCI? TCI is a multistate regional agreement to drive up the price of motor fuel (gasoline...
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John Hall The Jonah Center for Earth and Art PORTLAND Connecticut
On behalf of the Jonah Center for Earth and Art in Middletown and Portland, Connecticut, I am writing in support of the Transportation & Climate Initiative since a significant percentage of...
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Gale Davison Ms. Waterville Maine
We need to be changing our fossil fuel based transportation systems as soon as possible rather than later. The earth's weather systems are already showing dramatic and harmful consequences to...
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Nancy Earle artist Bangor Maine
I feel we need to move fast on lessening the impact of climate chaos. One way is to remove fossil fuels from all vehicles, particularly busses and

trucks. We need facilities to promote...
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