TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
Karen Vincent Union of Concerned Scientists Burlington Vermont
I give my support for a clean transportation initiative. We need clean public transportation. We have the technology and the ability to do this. Monorails bring in three times as much economic...
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Cynthia Morrell NRDC, NWF member South Hadley Massachusetts
We spend two weekends each year up on the Maine seacoast in Ogunquit. Living in western MA, we don't really have an option except for cars. It would certainly be terrific is someone could...
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Marina Meerburg Resident Stowe Vermont
We're in a climate crisis. Please do whatever you can to address the crisis. The effects are already here as illustrated by the fires in Australia and California, flooding and violently...
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Jessica Lahr Retired Educator, Continuing Donor to Union of Scientists Alexandria Virginia
We all need to get on the ball and do everything recommended by the Union of Concerned Scientists. NOW!!!
Glenn Hufnagel Transportation & Climate Initiative Buffalo New York
The transportation sector is currently responsible for more than 40 percent of climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions in the region, and soot and smog from cars and trucks are major...
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Stacey Chen Resident and parent Brooklyn New York
I am in strong support of the clean transportation plan. The transportation sector is a major contributor of carbon emissions that affects American quality of life today but also severely...
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Peggy Gilges UCS member Charlottesville Virginia
Please act immediately to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution caused by our vehicles and transportation systems. We can do so much to mitigate climate change and reduce vehicle pollution...
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Meredith Kearns NONE Henrico Virginia
Roxanne Warren Ms. New York New York
Charles Andros Mr ALSTEAD New Hampshire
Paul Heller Citizen Toms River New Jersey
Clean mass transportation in various forms primarily railways are and have always been an affordable viable option to reduce pollution help clean the environment and lessen the affects of global...
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Andrew Pudzianowski retired - physical/theoretical chemistry Yardley Pennsylvania
As a physical chemist with decades of research experience, I'm very familiar with the molecular basis of greenhouse warming, and with the thermodynamics and fluid dynamics of masses of vapor...
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susan kalan Education Orange Virginia
Carole Plumb Citizen Wayland Massachusetts
I support policies that show short and long term planning for curbing the both the greenhouse gas levels rising and increased transportation/traffic woes due to use of fossil fuels. A scientist by...
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Javier Rivera-Diaz Mr Brooklyn New York
Michele Temple concerned citizen Woodside New York
We must reduce pollution from transportation, our largest source of global warming emissions.

And this is New York's opportunity to formally join the plan to reduce emissions.
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Edward REICHMAN Golem Technology LLC Maplewood New Jersey
We need to invest in clean energy infrastructure, NOT fossil fuels.
Carl Arnold Sierra Club E Meredith New York
It's long past due to rationalize our transportation systems to reflect the unmistakeable message of climate chaos.
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Alison Altman First Parish in Cambridge Cambridge Massachusetts
Wayne Meeks Yale University Hamden Connecticut
Transportation remains one of our main sources of air pollution and climate change--and one that involves every one of us. But to make significant improvement requires more than individual...
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