TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
Lynn Spensley Concerned citizen Dedham Massachusetts
Each automtive production year should be required to have improved mileage over the previous year.
Jerry Hickson Senior Citizen Hartland Vermont
Transportation is a major contributor to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We must take action immediately to reduce burning of fossil fuels and ease the climate crisis. The national government...
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Jennifer Loch Miss Factoryville Pennsylvania
We have to combat global warming. This plan is a solid first step. We need more people working together to find answers.
Annie Umbricht Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine TOWSON Maryland
The US public transportation system is antiquated, unsafe, untimely, polluting and fails to appropriately serve the public at large. It is time to develop an electrified high speed comfortable...
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Courtney Brown concerned citizen BRIGHTON Massachusetts
I am pleased that my home state, Massachusetts, is a member of the Transportation and Climate Initiative. As an informed person who understands that the carbon emissions from our current transit...
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Francis Dorsey none Ipswich Massachusetts
We could create a whole new industry based on clean energy. Jobs, Jobs, jobs. Make the parts here, build it here - making real jobs not 3 retal jobs to not even make enough to live on. Then there...
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Anna Rubio 1996 Flushing New York
Public transportation needs to be made accessible to heavily populated areas. Individuals are forced to drive personal vehicles to commute, causing major traffic jams, which continue to add to...
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Mark Wilson none Cambridge Maryland
Greenhouse gases from transportation can be lowered by getting people to give up cars and ride public transportation, or giving people incentives to purchase electric cars and limiting the...
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Laura Burns HubCats Webster New York
There is nothing more important to me than minimizing climate change! Changing my transportation to a Prius, and using it less, was the first item on my agenda.
Doris Jackson Westfield Memorial Library Westfield New Jersey
I am so pleased to learn of this initiative. I have been hearing of the predicted increase of delivery trucks as people more and more do on line shopping. This is expected to lead to much...
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Andre Mirabelli Old Caucasian Male New York New York
My children are very anxious that we are selling them and their children’s lives down the river for our own current very temporary convenience. What personal responsibility do you yourself have...
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Brian Hauprich Concerned citizen Islesboro Maine
We need to keep our planet and air clean! Do not rollback clean air standards so big corporations can make tremendous profits while destroying our planet
Sandra Gardiner Please Select Lexington Massachusetts
Beth Jane Freeman None Wantagh New York
We need clean transportation. Just taking cars off the road and placing the occupants on trains and busses is a step forward, but putting these commuters on busses and trains that run on clean...
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Mary Roma Citizen New York New York
This is essential to our future and those of the generations to follow.
Richard Bleam Bioscience, Inc. Allentown Pennsylvania
A reduction in fossil fuel usage and resultant emissions is necessary to preserve the health of residents and reduce climate effects. A regional modern transportation system that enables...
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Mark Creighton Concerned Resident East Greenbush New York
Transportation is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally).

I am requesting that New York state formally join the plan to reduce emissions....
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M Carlisle Chesapeake climate Action, Food and Water Watch, Union of Concerned Scientists Baltimore Maryland
The most impactful thing we can do is lower the use of fossil fuels, and transportation is a huge part of this usage. Please facilitate alternative transportation concepts and practices, including...
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Alyson Shotz concerned citizen New York New York
We must reduce pollution from transportation, which is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally).

I request that NY state formally join the plan to reduce...
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Joan Maccari Madison Environmental Commission Madison New Jersey
I strongly oppose a 17 cent per gallon gas tax!! It would have a drastic negative impact on our economy across the State!!

