TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
John Dabrowski None - retired Burlington Massachusetts
Transportation is the number one source of climate pollution in the United States. We need to cut transportation pollution drastically, and that means in my own state, Massachusetts, working...
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John Cusano Self Norwalk Connecticut
Every state needs a comprehensive plan that will hold large transportation polluters accountable for the air quality they harm as well as invest in clean transportation solutions that must include...
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Don Vergara Citizen Stamford Connecticut
It's high time we get serious about saving this planet. Transportation can be made cleaner with a little vision, courage and determination. It can wait no longer!
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Phyllis Schmidt Ms. Wilmington Delaware
Smaller, local buses into large neighborhoods such as Fairfax. Fairfax people have to walk long distances to the Concord Pike and/or Foulk Road to get a bus to downtown. We could have small...
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Arthur Swers NRDC Floyd Virginia
It is past time for us to seriously deal with climate change and not deny it because of money. We must take responsibility and find ways to redirect our energy systems to clean technologies....
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Pat Foley concerned citizen Hiram Maine
We need to take action, no question about it! For solutions, I favor development of electric infrastructure, including in rural areas; expansion of commuter rail systems, incentives for...
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Mary Thomas Wendell State Forest Alliance Wendell Massachusetts
Extinctions, floods and fires are absolute evidence of catastrophic climate change. Having let the politics of profit fritter away earlier efforts to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels, at...
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Allen Witherington taxpayer/citizen palmyra Virginia
“…design a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels through a cap-and-invest program or other...
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Paul Ames none Bellport New York
In order to limit the worst effects of climate change, we must achieve net zero emissions of carbon dioxide by 2050. This will not be possible unless vehicle emissions are substantially reduced...
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Bill Ravanesi Health Care Without Harm Boston Massachusetts
Our transportation status is on a crash course with the climate, the public's health (tailpipe pollution, asthma, respiratory ailments and cardiac disease, and more). Our health systems are...
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TCI Portal submission.docx
Jodie Odonnell None Plymouth Massachusetts
Many people will not be able to afford a tax on gas and without a guarantee that this increase won’t continue we could easily be paying far more than the proposed tax hike in the future driving is...
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Diane Foulds Windsor Energy Committee Windsor Vermont
We must forge ahead at full speed if we have any hope of staving off climate disaster. The TCI proposal won't fix everything, but it's a darn good start. Let's do it. Now.
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Harry Anastopulos Native Marylander Washington District of Columbia
Seriously this is long overdue! Why hasn’t this happened yet?
Kathleen Graham Independent Boston Massachusetts
We all have the power to make change happen." The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." Robert Swan.

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M Davidson None Richmond Virginia
I support the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) as it will reduce the number of private vehicles on the road, reduce congestion, and improve the climate. Please support this.
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Sarah Stewart private citizen Watertown Massachusetts
We need a bold and ambitious plan to cut transportation pollution in our country and state. Please create such a plan.
Susan Edmunds Private citizen Highland Park New Jersey
I am delighted to learn about the Transportation and Climate Initiative. The planned changes to transportation in my state and other densely populated states in the northeast are essential to...
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Peter Hubbe self Hopkinton Massachusetts
Transportation is the number one source of climate pollution in the United States. That means it's time to totally reimagine the way that we transport people and goods.
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Joe Tonini Sierra Club volunteer Mineola New York
I am a grandfather of five and am terrified that they will have a diminished future because of our lack of action today to minimize the negative impact of climate change.

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Linda Polishuk Homeowner West Chester Pennsylvania
Great regional endeavor! Let’s make it truly bold. Polluters MUST be held accountable to the strictest requirements. We’re all in this together & we’re out of time. Go big! We’re behind...
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