TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
David SCANLON - None - Beverly Massachusetts
Enough taxes in Massachusetts already, cut some "fluff" jobs from the payrolls, eliminate a few pensions. In general get your house in order. Do your job and spare us retirees the...
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Jennifer Hodgens Woodard & Curran Bangor Maine
This is a very bad deal for Maine! The negligible positive impact that is delusionally believed to occur will NOT be worth the financial burden. This is a deal that other states have already...
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Christine Shibles Republican Hartland Maine
I oppose this incentive tax!
William Woods resident of Maine Ogunquit Maine
Do not do this to the people of Maine, Gov. Mills.
Merritt Moraski Human Race Chelsea Massachusetts
Man made Climate Change is a hoax! It is a way for elitist Politicians to take working peoples money and to restrict their movements. There has been many periods in the earths history where it has...
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Chris Tremblay Independent North Adams Massachusetts
Could someone please explain how giving the Government more money is going to stop Climate Change.

Id ask the dinosaurs but they don’t seem to be talking anymore.
Chris Imbriglio Mr. Dartmouth Massachusetts
Everyone thought Columbus was nuts when he claimed the world was round. They told him he would fall off the edge of the earth. The world is flat. Co2 does not cause global warming. Proof? Watch...
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john saia Mass constituant Medfield Massachusetts
really, why don't you redistribute the taxes you've raped from the Mass population about cutting the pensions at about clawing back the pensions of those...
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frank delfino former resident of Massachusetts Conway South Carolina
Moved out of Massachusetts in 2014, after having been born, raised and educated in the Bay State. It is disheartening to see the constant money grab by this governor, aided and abetted by a...
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Paul Roberts None Clifton Maine
As a citizen of the great state of Maine, I dont understand how increasing the outrageous tax on fuel is going to do ANYTHING to address climate change. I will admit my ignorance on what the...
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Randy Daigle Independent Salem New Hampshire
I moved to the wonderful, tax free state of New Hampshire in 2011...Lived in taxachusetts for 53 years...payed my fair share in taxes to Massachusetts. Thankfully I was able to get out...will...
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ANDREW LAROCQUE citizen Swanton Vermont
Please understand; I understand what the TCI wants to do and why. What I don't understand is why it has to be on the backs of rural people, like here in Vermont. We need our cars and pickup...
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NO TCI please! Maine doesn't need the increase in the Gas Tax for the Climate Change boondoggle of which so many in our Government have subscribed. Maine is in no position to make any changes...
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Ivan Beaulieu Pissed off Tax payer Smithfield Maine
What the hell is going on with the Demacrats in our government? Have they lost thier minds? Fix the problems we all ready have before you create new ones then you wouldn't have to raise taxes...
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Holly Rideout Citizen Pittston Maine
I can't not imagine you'd add another tax to the already over taxed Mainers!

As you continue to invite more people that we can not afford! Enough is Enough!

No New Taxes...
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David Cahoon Mr. Wells Maine
I do not support this new gas tax. It will in no way make a difference in the carbon foot print. All it will do is hurt the middle class working people of the State of Maine. All it will do is...
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Scott Judd Taxpayer Chesterfield Massachusetts
Please do not burden working people with another expense that they can’t afford. If you want to make the cities cleaner stop giving tax breaks to corporations to move there. Too many people in...
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Claire Rock Independent Island Falls Maine
Higher taxes will burden the people of Maine. Jobs here in Maine are not with out transportation for a great many miles. Please think of the people of Maine.

andre beausoleil none sanford Maine
I oppose the gas tax plan to make gasoline prices so high I will be forced to drive less and so that gasoline will “go away”. I oppose the new y. I’m not willing to pay new taxes at the pump. I...
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Deborah Hommer Citizen Dunn Loring Virginia
When polled consistently the majority state that the amount of regulations and goals are not worth the cost
