TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
Richard Buckley American Holbrook Massachusetts
The Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) proposal is a backdoor attempt to raise the gas tax that consumers will have to pay for at the pump. If you increase the gas tax literally every...
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Jon Howland Voting Citizen and Taxpayer Warwick Rhode Island
Being in the Technologies allows me to be in direct contact with many in the Science Community. As far as I have learned, there is no climate issue presently, except for evidence leaning toward a...
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William Smith Maine Resident Gorham Maine
I have been researching the science behind man-made global climate change for many years now. I will openly say that there are very good reasons to consider this science as not completely...
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Chip Lichty 1946 West Warwick Rhode Island
This Rouge Governor needs to go, if possible impeach, or any form. The best thing that could happen, is to get a Republican in office, and lose the many Union led losers in the General Assembly...
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Sam Parente none Cranston Rhode Island
More government control of the people must not continue.
paul petit unaffiliated pawtucket Rhode Island
This proposal is absolutely insane for the State of Rhode Island!

( Or for anywhere else for that matter ).

With our gas prices being fairly close to nearby Massachusetts,...
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Daniel Davidson None Richmond Rhode Island
The idea that Another Tax on gasoline will somehow magically stop so called climate change is absurd and misguided.

We the people already pay a gasoline tax at the pumps, to levy an...
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Mark Tetreault Smart People Providence Rhode Island
Apparently the politicians need a new means to fund the general fund since the 911 funds have been exposed.
ronald nagel nagel machine co inc foster Rhode Island
using an executive order to add a tax on fuels is wrong . by doing this action you will put a hurt on the lower paid people and will have an effect on business because of your policies in the past...
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Gary Blais Independant Somerset Massachusetts
I support any initiative to try and curb carbon emissions.
Ronald Jacques Independent Johnston Rhode Island
Instituting some useless tax on fuels to fund pet project initiatives has proven to be just another way to put money in state coffers without delivering the intended results. Rhode is land thinks...
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Fran Brelsford None East Providence Rhode Island
Extorting MORE money from WE THE PEOPLE under the guise of cap & trade is another folly disguised as contributing to "fixing" climate! Climate cannot be fixed, it CHANGES. The US...
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Joel Rosenfield none Wakefield Rhode Island
If the government was actually competent they could balance the budget without new taxes. What will happen to the State of RI, when people leave because they cannot afford it; businesses close so...
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Jared Rubin Taxpayer West Greenwich Rhode Island
I am saddened by another scheme to extract more tax money from an already overburdened citizenry. I believe programs like this are more successful at increasing the size and scope of government...
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Barbara Colton independent Hingham Massachusetts
This is not a good idea. Whether the money collected by this gas tax would go to climate improvement is suspect in my mind. I do not think this will decrease driving significantly and very much...
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This initiative is not for the good of the public but for the greed of the expanding government bureaucracy and various who-you-know green industries. This initiative will destroy our economy and...
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Morgan Hollenbeck N/a Barrington Rhode Island
Terence Garvey N/A Tiverton Rhode Island
Everyone knows that the money collected will not be applied to anything related to the environment and that this entire scheme is being pushed through to to compensate for the pathetic job of...
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Bradford Patten Independant Warwick Rhode Island
Taxes on climate is a farce, a way to steal money from the taxpayer. If its carbon that you have an issue with plant more trees! Seriously this climate debate is a lie, it was global cooling then...
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Elizabeth Jordan Citizen of Maine Kennebunkport Maine
Citizens of Maine are not interested in your tax and control policies which will raise our costs of living and damage our economy. I urge those leaders in the state of Maine to not participate in...
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