TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
Jacquelyn Crressy Concerned Citizen, member of Union of Concerned Scientists Topsham Maine
I believe it is vitally important that we move very quickly to reduce pollution from transportation, our largest source of global-warming emissions, both regionally and nationally. In a state like...
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DALE WEBB MFC Sheffield Massachusetts
Please help us invest in clean, efficient public transportation - critical for our global competitiveness. Anyone who has traveled in Europe is embarrassed with the lack of good public...
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Kenneth Slining UCS Pittsford New York
Our environment is in a critical state. We need to protect our climate.
Jolene Pope Ms. Wallingford Connecticut
We need better bus service with electric busses in CT in suburbs. And the rental bikes available in New Haven should be in suburbs also. We also need handicap accessible bus stops in suburbs most...
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Michael Love Fulcrum Psychology LLC Blacksburg Virginia
With our federal government abdicating leadership on climate issues - and, in fact, acting in openly destructive ways - it is up to states to take the lead. Economists have consensus, similar to...
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MICHAEL SAKASH concerned citizen STOWE Vermont
The vehicles from Diesel Brothers TV show and the like, truck pulling. tractor pulling, monster trucks, mudbog trucks, all levels of race cars, trucks, and motorcycles, and all home/shop built...
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Jesse Kessler Individual New York New York
We need a clean, expedient form of transportation.
Sandra Carriker Tax Payer Haverhill Massachusetts
Clean transportation is crucial to our climate as well as to our economy. We need a regional, low-carbon transportation policy, but we also need reliable public transportation that will give...
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claudyne wilder Wilder Presentations Chestnut Hill Massachusetts
Please set up a strong plan to reduce pollution from transportation. I support Massachusetts joining this plan. The time is passing. We need to make drastic changes now. I am ready.
Lou Priem none Cooperstown New York
We all need to make a concerted effort to most efficiently handle the massive transportation requirements of our citizens and certainly public transportation can be a major improvement for our...
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David Kornreich Concerned Citizen Syracuse New York
I care about reducing pollution from transportation, which is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally).

• New York State should formally join the plan to...
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Carol McEntee Private citizen Newmarket New Hampshire
Please be sure to support the strongest emissions control standards possible.
Kristina Younger Citizen Petersburg New York
Reducing pollution from transportation, which is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally) is the single most important thing we must address to mitigate climate...
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Ian Ganassi none New Haven Connecticut
The disaster is well under way. It's time for us to wake up and smell the burning in the air and take action before we all go up in a tremendous plume of carbon and lots of other irritants....
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Paul Wilcox The Hatchit Marketplace LLC Boston Massachusetts
This is much needed. Please make it a priority to also think of ways to reduce congestion on our roads that also contributes to unnecessary emissions.
Courtney Weida parent and educator Floral park New York
Please commit to clean transportation.
john gibbons Dr. avoca Pennsylvania
important to control for emissions and move toward clean energy
Geoffrey Mazullo Citizen with high level of civic and environmental awareness Haverhill New Hampshire
I care about reducing pollution from transportation, which is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally).

The US lags far behind other advanced...
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Andrea Strout U.S. voter Doylestown Pennsylvania
Our young people are showing us the way--increasingly rejecting cars and driving in favor of public transportation--but the state of our transportation infrastructure is a scandal and a ticking...
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Nelson Scarborough Citizen Andover Massachusetts
Clean and efficient transportation is critical for climate and competitiveness. Lead, follow (China), or get out of the way. I have traveled to EU and Asia and it is embarrassing how far behind we...
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