TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
andre beausoleil american sanford Maine
no on any increase gas tax you are just making Mainers poorer there is no solid evidence that global warming is man made please do some serious homework and stop funding bias research
Jared Luczynski Independent Dixfield Maine
Adding more taxes and cost to families already living paycheck to paycheck will just drive them out of the state. I barely afford to live here now because Maine devalues it’s workers and pay crap...
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Joe Caron Maine resident Bradley Maine
We don't need more taxes and regulations dictated by the government. The government already squanders the tax dollars they receive. To give them more is the equivalent of provide drugs to...
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Jane Gibbs R Knox Maine
I am opposed to the Mills gas tax initiative. We can't afford any more taxes here.
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Robert R Marshall Rate payer Porter Maine
We already have highest fuel cost in northeast we need relief now and stop this taxation madness
Dale Jellison Resident of Maine Dedham Maine
The gas tax is a use tax. We need a way to get use taxes from electric and hybrid vehicles that use the transportation system but do not pay their share. We do not need to increase the tax on...
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Blake Bradbury Transportation Bridgewater Maine
The trucking industry is struggling enough as it is. We can't afford another .20 gal tax on fuels because or new Governor is an idiot!
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Pamela Richards Maine resident Whitefield Maine
This would bring harm to the Maine residents. Another reason for people to leave Maine.
James McCarty Mr. Presque Isle Maine
I live on a fixed income and ANY new taxes would create a hardship for me. Many Mainers can't afford to pay more than they already do. Shame on you for trying to hurt us.
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Michael Adams resident Eliot Maine
Maine being such a Rural state should not penalize those people by increasing transportation cost so those in cities receive cheap public transportation. Nor should they be expected to pay for...
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Robert Labonte N/A Turner Maine
Do not let the worst governor Maine has ever had live up to her steal thieving name. We can not afford any new taxes. What is she planning on using the money for, a magic fan that will blow the...
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Eva Kaso-Collette Wentworth Institute of Technology Brookline Massachusetts
Dear Gov. Baker, Board, and to Everyone,

I am thrilled that you are taking steps to reduce climate change! The transportation sector plays a large role in CO2 emissions and greening it up...
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Anne Ross Maine resident Scarborough Maine
Why would you implement this tax? We are already one of the highest tax burdened states. We can NOT afford this. We the citizens do not want more taxes.
victoria gavel fuel user lyman Maine
please dont increase the fuel taxes in the state of a small businesss owner whos profit margin is tight, any increase is felt by everyone.i believe this carbon / reinvestment plan is just...
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Traci Pitt-Lavoie Local Government Rangeley Maine
Mainers cannot afford more fuel taxes. I see people on a daily basis struggling to provide basic needs to their families. These sorts of taxes are making survival in this state even harder;...
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Christine Blake FB Kennebunk Maine
Please stop taxing us to DEATH! The middle class bears all the burdens. What are you thinking? We can hardly put food on the table and my heat is set to 58 degrees. STOP THIS INSANITY!!
Dana Smith Maine Resident Waterboro Maine
An increase in fuel tax, on an already overtaxed state like Maine is absurd. The state is bigger that the rest of new england, and very rural. Increasing the fuel tax will do nothing but further...
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Lee DeLong Revision Solar Gorham Maine
Mainers can not afford a 20 cent tax on fuel. We are already heavily taxed in every way. People have fixed incomes, and most people struggle already to pay for home heating oil. This proposed tax...
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Scott Roy * Lyman Maine
Mariners can not afford a new fuel tax. It’s hard enough to pay for fuel now. Any new tax is bad for business in our state.
Jennifer Burmeister None Norfolk Virginia
Median household income in Maine is $56,277. So how is it that you except people to purchase this electric car for $55,000 and then pay the extra $2,000 for a home charging station to be able to...
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