TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
Sharon Christian Mrs. Millbury Massachusetts
In this state of Mass. we have raised taxes to fix the climate dilema a few times already. Leave our personal money alone. You are forcing all of us to move to Florida, the tax free state.
Any increase in fuel prices would be disastrous to the Massachusetts commercial fishing fleet. The earth has increased in temperature 0.8 degrees Celsius since the 1800s. Charging working...
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Kilburn Child None Westwood Massachusetts
Climate change is going to happen and you cannot alter Mother Nature! Nothing we do is going to slow or alter it without bankrupting the country, and that is an unacceptable option. The TCI is...
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George Whitmore Mr. Westfield Massachusetts
I wish to make known my opinion that the TCI Initiative is a mere end run around established law to gain what amounts to another tax,which has already been refused by the voters.And takes control...
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Keith Maynard unknown Ashby Massachusetts
Under No circumstances will you raise the gas tax. Especially for a fashionable climate initiative. Quite frankly, I think this is just a rouse to finance the billions being spent on the MBTA....
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Susan Smiley Taxpayer Lancaster Massachusetts
As a taxpayer, commuter and dedicated employee of a large organization in Massachusetts I employ you to NOT ENDORSE this carbon Tax being discussed at the Mass Legislative branch. We need...
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Sarah Wooton Partnership for the Public Good Buffalo New York
Partnership for the Public Good is a community-based think tank with over 290 partner organizations. Many of our partners are concerned with both ecological justice and transportation issues. We...
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Lauren Bailey Tri-State Transportation Campaign New York New York
The Tri-State Transportation Campaign's comments on the TCI draft framework are attached.
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TCI TSTC Comments 11.5.19.pdf
doraon donovan retired n andover Massachusetts
Re Massachusetts:

The legislature should be the one to vote on this measure, not the governor. We are not paying the governor to make approve bills unilaterally. We pay the legislature for...
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Vince Picarello Mr Hudson Massachusetts
Van Nga Nguyen Democrat Chelsea Massachusetts
I live in Mass for 45 years and I yet find any cause for anymore tax hike, Im a simple man working hard just to provide for my 4 kids and 5 grandchildren. And that was a job in itself, now its my...
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Yuri Tuvim retired Gloucester Massachusetts
William Whiteley none Southampton Massachusetts
I disapprove of any form of taxation, regardless of how deceitfully it is enacted. TCI is just that, a deceitful form of taxation.
Brian Murphy Unenrolled voter Paxton Massachusetts
These ' Initiatives ' generally result in extreme programs that do not result positive and

practical solutions.

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John Tata Retired LUNENBURG Massachusetts
Its a tax that the legislature should vote on. Watch for the future referendum
Rebecca Hill Adventures at Yankee Fleet Gloucester Massachusetts
To Whom It May Concern: TCI is nothing more than a backdoor attempt to institute a carbon tax without a vote by our lawmakers. Your aim is clear. You want to make fuel so expensive that...
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Nick C. Getthere Mobility Management Binghamton New York
1) Rural microtransit should be encouraged by making it easier to get passenger authority and receive STOA funding in NY, and wherever else it makes sense, by allowing smaller vehicles to become...
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Stephen Tacchi Republican Attleboro Falls Massachusetts
Any tax related to a carbon tax or fuel tax that is not spent on roads or bridges is a rip off.

TCI is another tax against hard working sales people we need to drive to make a living. We...
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Grant Schaumburg Boston citizen Boston Massachusetts
No climate benefits will result from this tax. Any reduction in emissions will reduce future temperature increases by a minuscule amount. It's a regressive tax increase masquerading as a...
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