TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
Michael Storer Disillusioned Baker voter Shrewsbury Massachusetts
The TCI is nothing but a Tax on working "BayStaters". To do this with an executive order shows how little regard the Baker-Polito regime has for the people of Massachusetts. People. Wake...
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albert forand none charlton Massachusetts
no tax
George Whitmore Mr. Westfield Massachusetts
Please reject any TCI initiative,I see this as a thinly veiled tax program,we are currently being unfairly burdened by taxes with less than stellar results in transportation and infrastructure...
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Mark Czerniak Jr Westfield, Ma resident Westfield Massachusetts
Do your job! Dont force the people to pay for your incompetence. Follow the law and hold votes every time you can and the law requires. Your actions will destroy this state and the rest of new...
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Jay Baker Independant Quincy Massachusetts
I'm sick of paying for the bloated payrolls and pensions for the MBTA and Mass DOT employees which is the biggest reason we pay 4 times the cost of a mile of road in NH and 2 times the cost...
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The New York State Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (NYSAMPO) is a consortium of the Executive Directors of fourteen Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in New York State...
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John Fothergill Self WESTFIELD Massachusetts
Climate change has been going on since the existence of earth. Sometimes climate change is in the cooling direction to generate an Ice Age. Sometimes it heats up to boil everything off the planet...
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Dan Allie Republican WESTFIELD Massachusetts
I strongly oppose this effort by Gov. Baker to bypass the state legislature to support TCI and skip the democratic process to create a multiple state program. We already have enough trouble...
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Benjamin Mandel CALSTART Brooklyn New York
Following the release on October 1 of the Framework for a Draft Regional Policy Proposal, and ahead of the release of a multi-state draft memorandum of understanding (MOU) to advance the policy...
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TCI Policy Framework_Coalition Support Letter_December2019.pdf
Joseph Picone Independent Belmont Massachusetts
Let's get something straight at the outset. The TCI is a TAX and it's a tax on all of us who use gasoline (which is just about everyone). TCI is also a corrupt scam that bypasses the...
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David Edwards Air Liquide Newark Delaware
Please find the attached letter regarding the role of hydrogen and fuel cells and the TCI Framework.
2019-12-06 TCI Framework Letter - Air Liquide.pdf
Steven DiVirgilio Everett Massachusetts
PFMLA tax, increases sales taxes, higher real estate taxes. Time for businesses and individuals to move to New Hampshire!
Elizabeth Towle River Bend Career and Technical Center Bradford Vermont
How do I access public input once Mou is released Dec 17th? Can you put me on notification of actions list?
Ying Li Environmental Entrepreneurs New York New York

Please find attached a letter from 44 New York members and supporters of E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs) supporting the Transportation and Climate Initiative discussions to develop...
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NYE2_TCI_support letter Dec2019.pdf
Peter Yungbluth Sierra Club; Talbot County Democratic Forum Easton Maryland
Our aim should be to have 3% of Maryland vehicles be electric (with the power to run them be 100% renewable) by the end of 2020, and grow that to 6% in 2021, etc., so that by 2050 we are 100% non-...
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Jonathan Sahady N/A Quincy Massachusetts
Please do not raise taxes. Massachusetts residents are overburdened with high taxes and a generally high cost of living. Additional tax burdens will harm individuals financially. I ask you, in...
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Thomas Davis Independent Shrewsbury Massachusetts
Do not impose any more gasoline taxes on us! This whole idea is a scam and simply a way to bypass voters. We already made it clear we do not want more gas taxes. If you want to build some other...
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Lindsey Mendelson Maryland Sierra Club College Park Maryland
Attached is an updated version of a letter submitted on August 29th, 2019 from Maryland organizations on principles that should be incorporated into the design of the Transportation & Climate...
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Maryland TCI Principles Letter Signers updated.pdf
Thomas Monahan None Marshfield Massachusetts
I strongly oppose the TCI. We repealed the automatic gas tax increase at the ballot box in 2014 by a margin of 53-47. All new taxes are supposed to originate in the House of Representatives not...
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christopher fabbri voter independent Ipswich Massachusetts
We have a gas tax already, we have excise tax, we have income tax, we have sales tax, we have property tax, I don't think I need to continue there. Wait we also have fees now vs tax, like...
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