TCI Releases Report on the Status of Electric Vehicles in the Northeast
The Transportation and Climate Initiative released a market overview and literature review today that provides an overview of plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) deployment in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states.
The report assesses current electric vehicle and electric vehicle charging station technology, looks at the state of PEV markets, reviews the benefits of PEV deployment, and identifies the barriers and challenges to PEVs in gaining market acceptance. The document is intended to serve as a resource for consumers and policy makers who seek to better understand the nature of and challenges facing electric vehicle deployment in the TCI region.
This report, prepared by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, is one of a series of products funded by a Department of Energy Electric Vehicle Readiness Grant. The grant is being used to fund initial planning activities for TCI’s Northeast Electric Vehicle Network. Other activities funded by this grant include engaging stakeholders to identify opportunities and barriers to EV deployment; creating siting and design guidelines; creating model building codes, permits, and zoning ordinances; and undertaking education and outreach activities throughout the region.
You may view and download the report by clicking on the link below: