EV Ready Codes for the Built Environment
This document provides an overview of building and electrical codes and their relation to EVs, highlights best practices from around the country, and makes recommendations for jurisdictions in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. The report draws several conclusions:
- Existing codes do not present a significant barrier to electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) deployment, but there is room within the codes to more clearly encourage EV-readiness.
- Codes can achieve EV-readiness and regional cohesion. For example, a coordinated effort to specify requirements for certain features in new construction and provide for new permitting or inspection protocols can help to streamline EV codes across the region.
- Adopting EV-friendly codes that encourage EVSE deployment can promote economic development in the region.
- Codes can create a high-level planning framework while retaining flexibility at the local level. For example, states can adopt code appendices containing EV-friendly provisions that can be adopted at the local level.
- Adopting EV-friendly codes should be part of a collaboration between partners to create a comprehensive EVSE deployment strategy.
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